Computer Guide

Sorting by date received in Outlook Express

by George Skarbek - 16th September 2008

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Sorting in Outlook Express

Q: I have forgotten how to reset my Outlook Express deleted emails into date received order. Can you please advise?


A: This is very easily done. Just click on the Received heading above the message to have it sorted by the column. Clicking again will sort in the reverse order. A triangle or an inverted triangle indicates the sort order. Clicking on the other heading such as From or Subject will sort on those columns.
If you add additional fields such as Size then you will be able to sort on these as well. To add additional columns click on View, Columns and click the field that you wish to add.


Pasting maps

Q: I need to download specific areas of maps and aerial photos such as are available from Google Earth and I'm sure there are others you would know of. I want to transfer a small / specific section of a map to a word document and cannot do so. Is additional software necessary to do this or is it a matter of procedure?

A: The easiest way to achieve this is to capture and then paste a part of the screen into your Word file. Pressing the PrtScn key will capture the entire screen (nothing will appear or change when you press PrtScn) and pressing Alt + PrtScn will capture just the active screen, which is still too much for your needs. If you have an image editing program then you can paste into it by selecting Edit, Paste and the select the part that you need and then paste it into Word. Even the ancient free Paint software that is found under Accessories will achieve this. In Paint click on the Selection button, highlight your area then click Edit, Copy (Ctrl + c) and in Word press Ctrl + v to paste.

In Vista there is the snipping tool that allows you to select what area of the screen that you wish to capture. Click on the Start Menu and start typing "snipping" into the search box to find it and get started.

If you do not have Vista then there are many programs, both commercial, shareware and free that will allow this. See: for one such example.



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